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Here you can find answered to Frequently Asked Questions. If you do not see your question, please email or call Mr. Sauers

1) Can I turn in my Physical Activity Log/Journal early? No, I am sorry, I will not accept a journal early.  I will only check journals the first day a class is scheduled to come to PE after the original due date.

2) Can I turn in my Physical Activity Log/Journal if I was absent? Yes, I will always accept a journal late with no penalty if a student was absent from class.  But I do ask that the student turn in the journal as soon as they report back to school, please do not bring the journal in the day before report cards. This will be to late. 

3) If I forgot to complete my Physical Activity Log/Journal can I still finish it and turn it in to you?  I encourage students to still turn in their journal after the due date, but please only bring it to me the first thing in the morning before classes begin. Thank you. 

4) Why do the students have to wear tennis shoes? I ask all students participating in PE to wear tennis shoes for safety reasons.  I do not want anyone hurt and inappropriate shoes can lead to tripping, slipping, and falling.


5) If I forget to wear the proper attire for PE will I be allowed to participate? Depending on the activity, students may not be allowed to participate.  Students who are not dressed appropriately will be allowed to pick up a book from our "readbox"

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